The Ascent Of Man

  • Автор: Bronowski Jacob
  • Издательство: BBC books
  • Год выпуска: 2011 *
  • Обложка: мягкая обложка
4 784 руб.
Dr Jacob Bronowksi's The Ascent of Man traces the development of human society through our understanding of science.
First published in 1973 to accompany the groundbreaking BBC television series, it is considered one of the first works of 'popular science', illuminating the historical and social context of scientific development for a generation of readers. In his highly accessible style, Dr Bronowski discusses human invention from the flint tool to geometry, agriculture to genetics, and from alchemy to the theory of relativity, showing how they all are expressions of our ability to understand and control nature.
In this new paperback edition, The Ascent of Man inspires, influences and informs as profoundly as ever.