Friends 2. Teacher's Book

  • Автор: Lesnikowska Ela, Niedzwiecka Kasia, Mugglestone Patricia
  • Издательство: Pearson
  • Год выпуска: 2011 *
  • Обложка: мягкая обложка
  • Серия: Friends
6 346 руб.
Children grow and mature at different speeds as they make the transition from childhood to adolescence. Friends makes sure you can deal with the different learning styles involved so there is something for every kind of student in your class.
Your students’ unique learning styles will be catered for thanks to Friends’ varied contexts including humor, fiction, real life, cross-cultural and cross-curricular material.
Your students will have plenty of opportunity to learn and practice thanks to the three- stage lessons of presentation, comprehension and practice.
Your students will learn new vocabulary and spelling, recycle grammar and learn how to structure written texts thanks to the detailed reading program, designed in co-operation with Penguin Readers.
Your students will enjoy your lesson with all the fun activities and mini-plays at the back of the Students’ Book.